Phase One – Portrait of a Hurricane – 2020 to 21 SY
Beginning in December of 2020, the Brooklyn City Schools launched a strategic planning and development initiative dedicated to creating a “Portrait of a Graduate” document that summarizes the key skills and characteristics (competencies) all students will possess when they graduate from the Brooklyn City Schools. Participants included Superintendent & CEO Dr. Theodore Caleris, Board Member Rob Slattery, district and building administrators, teachers and staff, and parents. The first step involved a group discussion to identify core competencies the district should integrate at all levels. This was then followed by the formation of various subgroups to discuss each specific skill. Once finalized, the list of competencies was visually organized into a Portrait of a Graduate document and approved by the Brooklyn Board of Education in May of 2021. The Portrait of a Graduate is posted throughout the entire district campus and serves as a daily reminder to students, teachers, and staff of the competencies to be emphasized within instruction and ultimately, in every graduate of the Brooklyn City Schools.
Core Competencies
1. Cultural Acceptance and Citizenship
2. Care and Self Awareness
3. Connection to Community
4. Communication
5. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
6. Creativity and Innovation
Phase Two – VISION 2030 – 2021 to 22 SY
In the fall of 2021, the Brooklyn City Schools launched an important second phase of the strategic planning process led by a committee composed of members representing all district stakeholders, including administrators, teachers, classified staff, representation from the Board of Education, parents, and community members. Over the course of five monthly meetings, the Strategic Planning Committee collaborated to create an action-oriented plan, VISION 2030, that addresses pertinent learning challenges and creates a pathway to ensure student achievement and growth over the remainder of the decade.
Brooklyn City Schools will be the model of educational excellence and community connectivity through practical, diverse, and innovative approaches to learning.
To educate, inspire and foster pride, unity, and respect.
· Respect – The Brooklyn City Schools will encourage a school environment where everyone’s respective talents, skills and capabilities are affirmed and mutually accepted.
· Character – The Brooklyn City Schools will promote among its student body and staff an attitude of doing the right thing at the right time in how we behave, think, speak and interact with one another.
· Excellence – The Brooklyn City Schools will rigorously pursue the highest standards of quality in academic, co-curricular, social and emotional, and interpersonal endeavors, striving to be the very best we can.
· Integrity – The Brooklyn City Schools will demonstrate trust with the community and display a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values.
· Diversity – The Brooklyn City Schools values diversity, equity and inclusion and will be accepting of all, regardless of race, gender, orientation, ethnicity or background.
· Accountability – The Brooklyn City Schools will promote personal responsibility and fulfilling one another’s obligations with the highest standards of quality and excellence.
The five specific goals and related action steps will be the primary areas of focus for the Brooklyn City Schools through the year 2030.
Academic Achievement and Growth – The Brooklyn City Schools will improve student academic achievement and growth over the next five years through the delivery of data-driven instruction and maintaining an open line of communication with students, parents, and staff.
- Action Step #1- Analyze and communicate meaningful assessment data, including diagnostic, formative, achievement, and growth measures, for all students, with an emphasis on student subgroups.
Action Step #2- Support student academic and achievement growth through the implementation of the MTSS Framework for tiered intervention practices, data-based decision-making, and progress monitoring.
Action Step #3- Use instructional round data to drive two-way communication between administration and teaching staff, increase student engagement, level-up student achievement through explicit instructional practices, and develop professional learning opportunities for staff.
Action Step #4 - Refine the TBT, BLT, and DLT processes to ensure standards, instructional practices, assessments, and data analysis procedures are aligned to meet the needs of our diverse learners.
Action Step #5 - Development of the Arts and Innovation Academy to clearly define and support student opportunities for achievement and growth of high performing students.
Social and Emotional Wellness – The Brooklyn City Schools will effectively promote awareness regarding mental health and wellness through proactive instructional and clinical programming.
- Action Step #1- Development of a Multi-Tiered Support Systems process (MTSS) for PK-12 to support and improve student wellness:
○ Develop a Summer Day Treatment Program through OhioGuidestone.
○ Provide Social Media/Cyberbullying education opportunities for students in grades 5-12.
○ Increase student access to the Drug/Tobacco/Vape cessation services provided to students in grades 6-12.
○ Develop a Comprehensive District Plan focused on student nutrition.
○ Develop student mentor groups to increase student voice opportunities.
○ Development of Hurricane Family Resource Center.
○ Develop and implement student and staff opportunities in cultural awareness and student leadership.
○ Increase opportunities for Youth Program engagement with the City of Brooklyn, including the development of an Intramural Program for grades 3-6.
○ Develop a Student Advisory Committee to gauge students’ needs, interests, and concerns.
- Action Step #2- Development of a Multi-Tiered Support Systems process (MTSS) for PK-12 to support and improve student attendance.
- Action Step #3 - Development of Multi-Tiered Support Systems (MTSS) process for K-12 to increase student engagement in the classroom, including the development and implementation of a District-wide cell phone policy to encourage student participation and reduce distraction in the classroom.
Community Engagement and Communication – The Brooklyn City Schools will increase two-way communication and develop school and community-based activities so that stakeholders, including the community-at-large, can engage and collaborate throughout the school year.
- Action Step #1- Continue to foster a positive and collaborative relationship with our school community, parents, families and the City of Brooklyn.
- Action Step #2- Develop community service projects for all varsity athletic programs and extracurricular clubs and grade-levels.
Action Step #3 - Increase participation in the Parent Advisory Committee to ensure students, parents and families are represented in District planning.
Action Step #4 - Implementation of First Annual “Hurricane to Health” 5K Walk/Run.
Action Step #5 - Develop an alumni network to engage students in the development of post-secondary career decisions.
Action Step #6 - Development of a Fall and Spring Community Open House, showcasing a variety of events, for the purpose of increasing student and family participation and engagement opportunities.
Action Step #7 - Continue to aid Parent School Organizations with parent and family membership recruitment to increase membership by 25%.
Action Step #8 - Develop an Intramural Program for students in grades 3-6.
Action Step #9 - Explore the opportunity to add a Club/Varsity Swim Team for implementation during the 25/26 school year.
Action Step #10 - Increase two-way communication through the use of appropriate communication tools that meet the needs of our parents/families.
Action Step#11 - Increase the number of opportunities for our families and community to participate in school-based activities.
Career and College Readiness – The Brooklyn City Schools will develop college and career readiness skills focused on preparing all students for post-secondary success through purposeful instructional programming.
- Action Step #1 - Continue to provide career opportunities for our students through our various relationships with our educational, alumni and community partners.
- Action Step #2 - Continue to build career-centered pathways for our high school students.
- Action Step #3 - Refine career education programming (Naviance) for middle school and high school students.
Action Step #4 - Develop a career education curriculum for students in grades PK-12.
Action Step #5 - Increase engagement opportunities for students with community industry partners.
Finance and District Operations – The Brooklyn City Schools will continue to enhance school district infrastructure and operations through an ongoing evaluation of district finances, and also engage the community (internal and external stakeholders) to increase awareness of district finances.
- Action Step #1- Implement the Brooklyn City Schools Master Facility Plan to improve infrastructure and student facilities.
Action Step #2- Seek input from the school community on the Master Facility Plan, District Operations, infrastructure and facility projects through engagement and listening sessions.
Action Step #3 - Continue to evaluate and report on the district’s finances in order to provide transparency for all stakeholders, including the Brooklyn community-at-large.
Action Step #4 - Continue to evaluate and improve the district’s operations, facilities and infrastructure in order to provide a safe and state-of-the art facility for all stakeholders.
Action Step #5 - Seek input from the school community on student enrollment trends and policies.
Vision 2030: Community Update Presentation