Children who reside in the Brooklyn City School District and are 5 years old by September 30. Ohio law requires all children attend Kindergarten. In our district, Kindergarten is a free, full day-program.
Will there be a meeting where I can learn more information about Kindergarten in BCSD?
Yes! Join us on February 29 from 7:00-7:45 p.m. OR May 15 from 6:30-7:15 p.m. at Brooklyn School for our Kindergarten Information Meeting for parents. This meeting is for any Brooklyn resident whose child will be attending Kindergarten in BCSD next school year. Couldn’t attend the meeting? Click here for the slideshow: Parent Meeting 2024
Do you offer a summer program to help my child prepare for Kindergarten?
Yes! Our Kindergarten Kickoff is an optional, free program available for all students who will be attending Kindergarten in BCSD. Your child must be fully enrolled in Final Forms to attend. To register for this program, complete this Registration Form (the link is also on our district website). Questions? Email
How will you learn about my child before Kindergarten starts?
In our district, we “screen” all incoming Kindergarten students prior to the start of the school year. Screening is conducted by BCSD staff and consists of brief activities which tell us information about such skills as language/literacy, math, behavior/social, and fine/gross motor. If your child attends preschool here, he/she will be screened in May during the school day. If your child chooses to attend Kindergarten Kickoff, he/she will be screened during that time. If your child did not attend BCSD preschool or KG Kickoff, you will need to schedule an appointment for screening in August by completing this form KG Screening Sign Up.
How will I know who my child’s teacher is?
You will receive an email with your child’s teacher/classroom assignment, along with the opportunity to sign-up for a time slot, before Student Orientation on August 19.
Will my child and I meet his/her teacher before school starts?
Yes! On August 19, you and your child will attend Student Orientation at Brooklyn School during the time slot which you signed up for. During this session, you will meet the teacher, tour the building, and learn about other specific Kindergarten details.
Does Kindergarten in BSCD start the same day as the rest of the school?
Yes, the first day of school for all K-12 students is August 20. However, our Kindergarten students will follow a modified schedule to help ease their transition. See dates/schedule below.
If I have questions about Kindergarten, what should I do?
Go to the BCSD Website or the Kindergarten Webpage. If you need additional information, contact Johnny Bollin, Brooklyn School Principal - Email
What can I do to help my child be ready for Kindergarten?
Use the items in the “Welcome to Kindergarten” goody bag with him/her (bags are given to students after they complete screening) . Here’ s some more ways that you can support your child in his/her transition to Kindergarten: Getting Your Child Ready for Kindergarten
What is a summary of important dates and events for starting Kindergarten?
March 1 |
Enrollment opens in Final Forms |
February 29/May 15 |
Information Meeting for Parents (must only attend one of the dates) |
July 29-August 2 & August 5-9 |
Kindergarten Kickoff (optional) |
August 1/August 7 |
Kindergarten Screening (for students not in BCSD PreK or KG Kickoff) |
August 19 |
Student Orientation |
August 20-21 |
Last Name begins A-J 9:00 - 11:00 a.m./K-Z 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. |
August 22 |
All 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. |
August 23 - school year |
All 8:30 a.m. - 3:05 p.m. (regular school day) |